Dear –FNAME–, 

Yesterday we sent out our announcement for the 24th Annual Taste of Downtown participating locations, our largest pairing of Downtown Nashua’s restaurant and retail businesses in the history of this event! I wanted to follow up and let you know that our limited number of Early Bird tickets ($5 off full price) had been reached yesterday, but we’ve made 100 more available this morning to ensure that folks who received the offer extension this week are able to take advantage of it before it expires on Saturday night!

Remember, for folks who prefer to purchase their tickets in person, they are now available at Fortin Gage Flowers & Gifts (86 W Pearl St), Fresh of Nashua (178 Main St) and Scontsas Fine Jewelry & Home Decor (169 Main St).

Thank you to everyone who has ordered tickets this year so far! Your tickets support our Mission of Vibrancy, and make programs like the Nashua Street Pianos, the Nashua Farmers Market, our Downtown Music Festival series and the Winter Holiday Stroll possible! Online ticket purchasers will be able to pick up their tickets this Wednesday beginning at 5pm at our registration table under the blue tent, located at the Main Street Bridge (58 Main St). 

We hope to see you there!
My best, 

Paul Shea
Executive Director Great American Downtown!